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Choi San Dou!

I'm just gonna get rich!



Creak-crack, Happy New Year l! In the year of rooster, 2017, NAKEDUGLY wish everyone:



Enjoy good health!

Everything goes well!

Windfall on hands!

Loaded with gold!


In the new year, NAKEDUGLY too have a big pettish plan as hard as iron, solid as steel!

That is, in the coming few months, NAKEDUGLY will launch the very first wave of 3 t-shirts and accessories. You are more than welcome to spill your brains on imagining how they look. Of course, apart from introducing our new products gradually, we will meet you at all sorts of activities and show NAKEUDLGY's special skill: Get my stare and you become dashing! Okay, muffle your lil' heart 'cuz we're 'bout to start!

Again, we wish you windfall on hand and loaded with gold in the new year! Come to NAKEDUGLY to get your lucky dip and laugh with fortune all the time!

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